Information Management and Workflow is the process by which organizations collect, store, retrieve, and share information. It can be as simple as saving documents and retrieving them, or for more complex organizations, a complete Content Management System (CMS), where clients dictate policies to store documents as digital information, and set up rules for editing, sharing, access, and destruction.
Managing information is not simply a matter of storing it so that it can be accessed when needed. The information stored in various documents often requires the ability to be searched, indexed, and retrieved efficiently. Without a clear strategy for simplifying document storage and retrieval, users may be wasting their most valuable resource—time.
When multiple users need to access and edit the same file, they need to ensure that the most current version is being accessed, edited, and stored.
Clients require remote access to their records and files on demand. Employees require the ability to review the status and approval of credit applications, purchase orders, and expenses.
Financial offices receive and store droves of highly sensitive, client-related paper documents for various services that are vulnerable to loss and lack security. Document management systems can store and archive, create workflows, and system triggers for better workflow and service.
Sensitive documents in both Legal and Medical offices require a lot of space. While this data is key for completing a patient record and/or adhering to Legal requirements, the internal challenges of housing paper-based documents, while severe, are often dismissed as a low priority.
Limited financial and IT resources make it difficult to justify the expense of employing systems that can manage data and documents electronically.
The management and integration of information from documents is key in areas like Supply Chain Management, Product Development and Life Cycle, Manufacturing and Production, CRM, and ERP. This helps to protect data, increase efficiency, direct approvals, house records, and much more.
To maintain a quality learning environment, educators share lesson plans and course materials with their colleagues. Commonly used forms like permission slips, attendance forms, and cafeteria menus need to be accessed easily.
Firms utilizing enterprise/document management systems to store and secure records can struggle to incorporate a viable system to capture/integrate paper documents. Compliance and security constraints present challenges for those integrating paper documents into DMS/ECM systems.
Therefore™ is Canons Award Winning Premier information management, workflow and business analytics platform that can help organizations work smarter by offering a way to help improve their storage, management, and processing of information. Therefore™ provides customers with the ability to store, categorize, edit, and retrieve information from stored documents. Therefore™ is available as either a locally hosted, server-based system or a cloud-hosted system, where information is

mxHERO leverages the power of cloud storage for email. It’s a server-less solution that can connect existing email systems with compatible cloud storage accounts (which are purchased separately).* Users can automatically archive their email content and attachments into cloud storage based on pre-set business rules. Users can select various options for how they store their email in cloud storage. Content can be saved as a PDF or a native file, and users can be set up to save content as both a sender and a recipient. You can also specify to only save attachments.