5 Pumpkin Carving Stencils & Templates for Halloween

Up Your Jack-o'-Lantern Game With These 5 Printable Pumpkin Templates

Anyone can carve the perfect pumpkin with the right tools! This Halloween, take your pumpkin designs to the next level with five fun and free pumpkin carving stencils. Choose from an emoji stencil, a puppy stencil, a ghost stencil, a boo stencil and witch stencil, or use all of the above! Either way, these pumpkin carving templates are sure to give you a laugh – or maybe even a fright! So grab your Canon PIXMA TS9521Ca Wireless1 Home All-in-One Inkjet Printer (it was designed just for creative projects like this) and some Canon 12X12 Double-Sided Matte Photo Paper (it’s sturdy, and an ideal choice for pumpkin carving stencil projects) and let your Halloween spirit soar!

Here's what you'll need for your pumpkin carving stencils:

 halloween printable pumpkins

Emoji Pumpkin Stencils

Emoji pumpkin carving is lots of fun, and our printable emoji pumpkin stencils will give trick-or-treaters a laugh. Using your Canon PIXMA TS9521Ca Wireless1 Home All-in-One Inkjet Printer - aka your stencil printer - print out any one of our eye-popping emoji pumpkin stencils. Then, use a hot glue gun to paste the nose, mouth and eyes on your pumpkin - no carving or scooping needed. What could be simpler than that?

Printable Dog & Puppy Pumpkin Stencils

When you have access to dog pumpkin carving stencils, your Halloween pumpkin isn’t a pumpkin, it’s a pup-kin! Get it? This puppy pumpkin stencil is cute enough to make any little witch or warlock giggle. Print out the pumpkin template printable on your PIXMA TS9521Ca, and cut out each feature from the matte photo paper. Then, glue them onto your pumpkin.

Ghost Pumpkin Printable Stencils

When it comes to ghosts, goofy beats scary any day. That’s why we created a goofy ghost pumpkin stencil that is sure to make you grin. For this one, you’ll want to cut around the pumpkin stem in a circle so that you can reach inside and clean all of the seeds out. Then, use your PIXMA TS9521Ca to print the pumpkin carving stencil, cut it out and tape it to the pumpkin. Trace it with a marker, and carefully carve along the lines with your favorite pumpkin-carving tool. For the final touch, place a candle inside and bring your goofy ghost to life. It may not draw screams, but it's bound to bring a few laughs.

Boo Pumpkin Stencil Template

No three-letter word captures the spirit of Halloween better than “boo!” This boo pumpkin stencil is ready for you. So grab your pumpkin carving tools and some 12X12 double-sided matte photo paper and print out on your stencil. Then cut out each letter and tape them to the pumpkin. Be sure to space them apart so that there's room between each letter. Now you’re ready to carve away. And there you have it––a spooky boo pumpkin that’s a spin on the traditional toothy grin!

Witch Pumpkin Stencil

What's a Halloween without a wicked witch? Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble! Try this easy witch pumpkin stencil. To start, clean out your pumpkin. Then, print this pumpkin carving template using your PIXMA TS9521Ca. Tape the 12X12 double-sided matte photo paper to the pumpkin, then trace it and carve!

Halloween is truly the best time of the year to flex your crafting muscles. You don't need any spells or magic to impress your neighbors. You just need the right pumpkin carving tools, some printable stencil templates and a touch of imagination.

  1. Wireless printing and scanning requires a working network with wireless 802.11b/g/n capability, operating at 2.4GHz. Wireless performance may vary based on terrain and distance between the printer and wireless network clients.
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