Equipping your Canon camera with compatible Canon lenses is a powerful combination that unlocks full potential. See astonishing autofocus, impressive image stabilization, inspiring performance and results, whether shooting stills or video.
Cinema Lenses
We have accepted the universal challenge to create new, bold, contemporary optics for a global cinematic creative community with our lenses that have changed the landscape of creative possibilities. Canon’s signature color reproduction and advanced optics have influenced the world of motion pictures, television shows, OTT series and documentaries. Every filmmaker at every experience level can find a Canon cinema lens to suit their creative aspirations.

Broadcast Lenses
Our own technology called Air Sphere Coating adds an additional layer on top of normal multilayer coatings, minimizing internal reflections that lower light efficiency and contaminate deep black reproduction. Canon broadcast lenses also help correct wide-ranging chromatic aberrations with aspherical lenses and make full use of our advanced image stabilization technology, all in a highly compact and lightweight body.

RF Lens World
Take a deeper dive into the world of RF Lenses and discover impressive designs, amazing features, and beyond! Discover all the advantages of RF Lenses including more compact designs, faster and more complete information sharing with the 12-pin communication system, also enabling future expansion.

Mirrorless Lenses
Designed to take advantage of everything your EOS R series camera has to offer, our wide range of RF lenses provide the performance and versatility you need. Increased speed with a 12-pin communication system. More compact designs for portability. A customizable control ring on each one for your personal needs. Equip your R series camera with an RF lens and let your creativity reach its maximum potential.

DSLR Lenses
For hobbyists or pros, there's an EF lens to match your vision and bring out the best in your Canon DSLR camera. From impressive detail in our macro options to amazing range in our telephotos, you can get brilliant results shooting both stills and videos. These EF lenses can even be used with our EOS R series cameras when combined with an EF EOS-R mount adapter.

Our Focus Is You
Our members packages include exclusive benefits to make your life easier.

One Night, six stories. The narrative series Hold To Your Best Self follows six students on their senior prom night.
In the narrative series The Adulterers, cinematographers Darin Quan and Zack Schamberg take a powerful look at relationships.
In the documentary series The Trade, cinematographer Matt Porwoll takes a powerful look at all sides of the epidemic of drug addiction.
A cinematic journey around the United States follows migratory beekeepers and their truckloads of honey bees as they pollinate the flowers that become the fruits, nuts and vegetables that get eaten.
For Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind and OJ: Made in America, Nick used Canon Cinema EOS Cameras and Cinema Prime lenses to capture gripping interviews.