How to Photograph Wild Birds
Proper etiquette when photographing wild birds
Canon hopes that wild bird photography will grow stronger with proper photography etiquette.

Please Practice Proper Etiquette When Photographing Wild Birds
With more and more people shooting photos of wild birds as a hobby and wild bird photographs appearing in magazines and winning awards in photo contests, there are more opportunities to see such photos than ever before. The number of people who have become enchanted with the beauty of these birds has expanded.
However, there is a risk of photographers damaging their reputation if they practice poor etiquette. We are promoting proper etiquette so that the wild bird photography culture can flourish.

Six Principles of the Etiquette When Photographing Wild Birds
Because these birds move quickly and are small, in the past, photographing them required expensive camera and advanced camera technique. But today, thanks to advancements in cameras and lenses, many people can enjoy the hobby of photographing wild birds.
On the other hand, problems may occur, if photographers use bad manners, such as occupying public roads, or invading the habitats of wild birds without keeping a suitable distance. Here we introduce six important manners that are key to photographing wild birds.
1 Do not get close to the nests of wild birds.
Breeding season for wild birds is during spring and summer, and parent birds are especially nervous when they are raising their chicks. They may abandon the nest if they sense danger or changes nearby. When a parent bird stretches its neck and watches us, or bristles up its plumage and utters, it is a warning sign. Should this happen, never get close to the nest.

2 Do not chase wild birds.
Birds that are rarely seen in a certain area are likely off course from their main habitat or main migration route and may be weakened by a long flight. Do not get too close to them or make them fly on purpose to take photographs. Allow them to feed and get enough rest.

3 Please pay attention to the people and area around you when selecting a location for photographing.
Please do not trespass on areas that are off-limits, interfere with pedestrian traffic by setting up your tripod to stake out a photo location, or otherwise block passage for extended periods of time. Please consider others while you enjoy taking photographs. Also, if you aim your camera at a residential area, be careful not to photograph private residences or individuals.

4 Do not alter the environment.
Do not alter the environment by trying to cut away trees and branches to create photos in which the birds stand out. We must make every effort to preserve the natural environment and help protect wildlife.

5 Keep nature-friendly manners in mind.
It is a must that all wild bird photographers not only practice proper photographic manners, but also show due respect to nature by not littering mountains, rivers and other natural environments with trash or cigarette butts. Also, smoking in wooded areas is strictly prohibited as it could cause a forest fire. While it goes without saying that you should not disturb birds and nature in the field, it is also important to communicate with the other photographers around you to ensure proper mutual understanding. In these ways, we should all do our best to maintain good manners.

6 Do not use a flash.
Artificial light, like a camera flash, has a big impact on birds. Never use a flash at night. If you do, it may startle the bird and cause injury. When it's dark out, instead of using a flash, please select a higher ISO speed.

Referring to the contents of Wild Bird Society of Japan. Please understand and agree that you voluntarily assume all the risks associated with any such activities, and that you will be solely responsible for your own actions. Canon is not engaged in the rendering of professional advice or services including, without limitation, legal or regulatory advice or services. Individuals and organizations should perform their own research and conduct their own due diligence concerning the products and suggestions discussed here.